FAC is Celebrating International Day of Rural Women | Future Agro Challenge

FAC is Celebrating International Day of Rural Women

As many countries and regions face global challenges in food security, food safety, food waste and healthy sustainable diets, local and regional solutions right in our backyards are often overlooked. Too many voices go unheard. Our vast Future Agro Challenge network is committed to showcasing, growing, and expanding diverse visions from all over the world.

Rural women and girls are leaders in agriculture, food security and nutrition, land, managing natural resource management and unpaid and domestic care work. They are at the frontline when natural resources and agriculture are threatened. In fact, globally, one in three employed women works in agriculture. Women also collect biomass fuels, manually process food materials, and pump water; eighty percent of households without piped water rely on women and girls for water collection.

On the International Day of Rural Women, UN Women is calling for action to support rural women and girls and grow their capacities to respond to climate change through agricultural production, food security, and natural resources management.

We are fortunate to have many rural female entrepreneurs, investors, impact makers and supporters in our Future Agro Challenge community and today on October 15 we are celebrating the vital role that rural women play around the globe in developing innovative and fundable food, agtech, and agriculture innovations from farm to fork and beyond!


Happy International Day of Rural Women!
